Angel Guachichulca


¡Hola! My name is Angel I am a trainer here at CAC. I am a Chicago native, born and raised on the south side of Chicago. I got my start as a group instructor for a Crossfit gym. Now I am seeking to help out individuals with more personal training and help them reach their fitness goals.  Don't worry I'm not a Crossfit coach! Unless you want me to be. Throughout my journey, I have made mistakes and learned from them (still learning). As a beginner, it can be scary especially when you are doing something alone and have no guidance. I want to help guide you and answer any questions you may have.  If you are an advanced gym go-er and looking for an extra push, I can challenge you too. One of my favorite sayings is "exercise is medicine" because exercise has so many benefits for the human body. If you didn't know, now you know. So keep moving! Something is always better than nothing. 

Bachelor's degree in Kinesiology from the University of Illinois at Chicago 

ACE Certified Personal Trainer 
Emergency medical responder 

I don't have a specialty in general. From weight lifting, powerlifting, Crossfit, Olympic lifting, and gym bro science, I like to add a bit of everything into my workouts. I like anatomy and will always tell you what muscles you are working on. I especially love working with newbies! 

Chicago, Illinois

Favorite Exercise:
I personally like burpees.......kidding
Barbell snatches are my favorite exercise. 

Location: Bucktown


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