Workout of the Week: Bosu Ab Exercises

Bosu Ball Ab Exercises



These Bosu ball ab exercises add a dynamic strength training routine designed to enhance your core stability and overall fitness. This intense workout can be seamlessly integrated into your cardio sessions, providing a comprehensive approach to strength training.

Follow Donna's pro tip to focus on your breath and exhale on exertion for maximum effectiveness. Ready to take your strength training to the next level? Let's get started!

The Basics: This intense core workout can be done before or after your choice of cardio. Perform each exercise for 12 reps for pistol squats and alternate legs each time. Do the whole circuit 4-6 times.

Donna's Pro Tip:

-Focus on your breath, exhale on exertion.  It will help you to get through the toughest workouts.

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Think of this as one of the best ball exercises where you would push off the ground at the end of one rep, only this time, instead of your hands being on the ground; they are on opposite sides of a Bosu.

Keep your abs pulled in, your belly button pulled toward your spine, and your feet shoulder apart. Balance your grip on the Bosu ball side down.

Keeping your body in a straight line and core engaged, lower yourself towards the Bosu as your arms bend, then push back up, exploding the Bosu off the floor as you come up. This exercise is excellent for building upper body strength.

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This is like an advanced plank with your hands on either side of the ball's rim. Engage your abs, keep your arms straight, and your body flat (don't let your butt come up).

Slightly tilt the Bosu to your right, hold for a second, then come back to the center, then tilt to the left. Keep your core muscles engaged and your body in a straight line the whole time.

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Standing on the Bosu with the Bosu ball dome side towards the floor. Balance on your right leg with your left foot slightly out in front of you. Engage your abs by pulling your belly button towards your spine and the crown of your head straight towards the ceiling.

Come into a one-legged squat on your right leg, keeping your left leg out in front of you. Try to go as deep into the squat as possible so that your hamstring is nearly touching your calf and your other leg is straight out in front of you. Come back to standing and switch legs.

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Start with the Bosu flat side on the floor with your hands at 10 and 2 on the ball side. Start in the same push-up position as the first exercise.

As you lower your body toward the floor, lift your right foot, swing your right leg out sideways, and try to touch your knee to your elbow. Return to the starting position and switch to your left leg. This exercise also engages the upper body muscles effectively.

BOSU PLANK LEG LIFTS: Start in a plank position with your hands on the dome side of the Bosu ball. Keep your hips lifted and your body in a straight line. Lift one leg at a time, alternating between legs. This exercise engages the entire body, focusing on the core, glutes, and back. Bosu plank leg lifts are a dynamic variation that enhances stability and strength, making the Bosu ball good for comprehensive workouts.

DONNA WALKER is a Trainer at Lakeview Athletic Club

To book a session with Donna at LVAC, click here