Suzy Crawford

Suzy Crawford, Pilates expert in Chicago

Suzy is a certified fitness professional working in the industry since 2004. Suzy is a P.M.A. Certified  Pilates instructor and Manager of Studio EAC Pilates. She also has extensive Group fitness experience, certified with AFAA she currently teaches Zumba, Aqua Zumba, Zumba Gold Toning and mat pilates at EAC. Look for her on the schedule as SuzyC. 

Education, Experience & Credentials
Comprehensive Pilates Instructor, training clients since 2009; 500 hours of training with Pilates Chicago; Certified through AFAA, AEA, Peyow Aqua Pilates, Zumba Fitness; available for private sessions in the pool

AEA (Aquatic Exercise Assoc.), AFAA (Aerobic Fitness Assoc. of America) PMA C.P.T. (Pilates Method Alliance) Peyow Aqua Pilates

Works with clients of all ages, fitness levels, abilities and sizes.

Pilates Trainer

Location: Evanston

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