Workout of the Week: Six Pack in Six Minutes




This is a great core workout that can be done alone or added to the end of any workout for an extra bit of work. The actual work will take 6 minutes, with rest periods between each round, and the entire workout should take 10 minutes at most. Personal training can you help customize your workouts, but this routine by Stanley will get you pretty far in your goals to get a six pack.

The basics: Perform all four exercises in a circuit for 30 seconds each. After the fourth exercise of the circuit take a 60 second break and start over.  Do three rounds. Try to move as quickly as possible between each exercise (ideally less than 10 second break between each).

 supine cable pulls for six pack in six minutes

Supine cable pulls

Lay flat on your back about 1 foot from a cable machine. Set the height of the cable two notches from the bottom. Set the weight at about 10-15 lbs. Hold a single handle with a two-handed grip just underneath your chin and about 4 inches above your chest.

Keeping your gaze toward the ceiling the entire movement, pull the cable down toward one hip while elevating your shoulders off of the mat. Bring the cable back to the starting position and repeat the movement to the other hip. Engage your core muscles and lower abs throughout the exercise for maximum effectiveness.


Body saw 

Start in a plank position with forearms parallel to each other on the mat and toes on sliders. While staying in the plank, push yourself backward by pushing through your elbows.

Once you reach the point where you cannot go back any further without falling, pull yourself back to the starting position by pressing your forearms hard into the ground and dragging your feet forward. Remember, stay in a good plank. Do not let your hips sagging down too low or rise up too high. Maintain a straight line from head to heels and keep your core engaged.


Seated leg extensions

These can be done with a weight held between your toes or without one. Sit on a bench, as shown in the video, leaning slightly back with your hands on the bench for balance. Slowly extend your legs fully, then retract them until your knees are almost touching your chest.

Keep your back straight throughout the entire movement. No slouching! Keep your legs straight and engage your entire core for better results.


Russian twists 

These can be done with a medicine ball, dumbbell, or kettlebell. Sit back onto your tailbone with your knees bent and feet completely off of the ground. Keep your back totally straight. Hold the medicine ball about the chest high. Rotate your torso from side to side.

If this is too difficult, as a regression, this can be done in the same position with your heels lightly touching the ground. Focus on core strength and engage your upper body to enhance the effectiveness of the exercise.

Stanley Dayan is a trainer at Webster Place, Stanley is a trainer at The Webster Place Athletic Club.
To schedule a session with him and bring your workout to the next level, click on his bio.

“My motto is that to be strong you have to think strong. Whatever fitness goal you may have is always achievable as long as you believe it.”