Whether it’s bodybuilding, weight training or even extreme races, our personal trainers can provide the guidance and motivation you need to reach your goals safely and effectively. We have the latest in equipment, tools, and toys to get you the cutting edge workouts that bring real results, and our personal trainers have the expertise and experience to get you there and keep you motivated. We also offer different exercise guides, like our squat rack exercises. Chicago Athletic Clubs has everything you need to get stronger, build muscle, or get the muscular definition you have been trying to achieve.


Fresh Start Clean Eating Plan

Want to reboot your energy?  It starts from the inside out.  Get the basics from our Fresh Start Clean Eating Guide.  This Ebook has everything you need to easily understand the principles of clean eating and apply them in a no hassle way.  So you can start eating clean, for a healthier, more energized you!

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