Kids Club: The Inside Scoop

LPAC Kids ClubI worked at Kids Club in several different roles for over 9 years before I got to really try it out – as a first time mom. I brought June to Kids Club right at her 8 week birthday, so my husband, Patrick and I, could get back to our regular Sunday morning yoga class. After two months of maternity leave, and lots of gym swapping days (seriously – how were four hours of our Saturdays spent with us just taking turns going to the gym!?), it felt really good to be out of the house all together and to have somewhere to bring June. Mind you, June had been a relatively easy baby (I can say that now that she’s almost 2!), but to be back to doing something I did in my “former life” felt so nice and familiar and also totally strange. Didn’t everyone know that the world had changed since I was last at this yoga class?? I had a BABY, people! I am not the same! But getting back into my old routine made me feel like I still kind of was.

Liz and Rachel were the staff at Kids Club that morning. June was asleep in her car seat when we dropped her off. Writing her name on the sign-in sheet was a bit surreal, after many years of reading other families’ name on there and daydreaming about my own. That day was here. And as much as I knew the drill and anticipated this moment, I was also a bit apprehensive. I left her diaper bag with everything on the sun she could possibly need, along with instructions to give her a bottle when she woke up. We left uneventfully and unceremoniously. Did yoga, felt great. Actually used up almost our entire two hour time limit and walked a little faster back to Kids Club to find a still sound-asleep baby. She hadn’t budged the entire time! A great report from Rachel, we went on our way, and crossed our “First Kids Club Visit” off our list of new parenting to-dos. What a relief that it went well!

It obviously helped that I knew and trusted all the staff at Kids Club and was familiar with the space and policies, so I always encourage new families to come stop by for a tour before your first visit! You can get the lay of the land, meet the staff and management, and have a better idea of what to expect at your first drop off. All Kids Club staff have cleared a finger-printed background check, are certified in infant, child and adult CPR and First Aid, and have prior experience in working with children and infants. We focus on engaging and enriching activities with kids of all ages, whether that’s Circle Time, Fit Kids, or a sing-along in the baby room. We make it a point to get to know every child and family and love to see our Kids Club community grow! And June, at 21 months, is still a regular at Kids Club almost every single day.

cfultonby Christina Fulton
Christina Fulton is the CAC Kids Club Director. She has been with the clubs since 2003 and has one child of her own.