Chicago Athletic Clubs | The Daily Burn Blog

Ever-elusive “Me-time”

Written by | August 29, 2012

No matter who we are, what we do for a living, where we work, how great or small our responsibility for our children and extended family might be, finding the time to spend on ourselves poses challenges. The ever-elusive “me-time” couldn’t be loved more, or sacrificed more.

“Me-time” is a huge part of why I belong to WAC, and why I’ve always prioritized a gym membership. I do truly enjoy working out in the comfort of my family room and have ample videos – and of course OnDemand ExerciseTV – to keep things interesting. And I even have an elliptical machine that replaced a decade-old treadmill that I literally (and proudly) ran into the ground.

But picture this: I’m squeezing in a 37-minute “insane” workout video on Saturday evening. (For those of you that have tried the “Insanity” workouts, you know I broke a sweat before finishing the first set of Heismans.) I had just 40 precious minutes before I had to jump in the shower, get dressed and prep the kids for an evening with a sitter. I start to tackle the plank segment and the next thing I know there is a bouncing 4.5-year-old little girl attempting her own plank – under mine!

Yes, literally, she announced: “I’m working out, too, Mommy!” And suddenly any remnant of a “me-time” workout vanished. Just like that!

Setting a great example

Of course I love that my daughter wants to emulate me and that her enthusiasm for her “workouts” is contagious. She once told me she wants to be a grown-up so that she can drive and workout.

While I had to put her dreams of a green convertible on hold for another 12 years or so, I reminded her that riding her bike, running around the playground, our daily dance parties in the kitchen and her near-constant movement all constituted “kid workouts.” She gleamed with pride at her accomplishments and her commitment to “keeping her heart healthy.”

So while I highly endorse “me-time” workouts and continue to set the Outlook calendar reminders to get me to the gym, there certainly are ample benefits to stretching that time to include others. A spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend, kid or whomever you call company certainly can add enthusiasm and make you laugh when you’re hitting a rut or pushing past fatigue.

I do not, however, suggest trying to hold a plank position while a little kid giggles her head off on the floor beneath you. Just roll around on the floor and laugh your head off, too. That’s good for the core and the soul!

Have a great day!
