Our Team | Chicago Athletic Clubs

Tyler Bottorff

Written by Cassandra | Mar 5, 2024 5:17:44 PM


Hello everyone! My name is Tyler and I have been a certified personal trainer for nearly 9 years.

Growing up, I was very active in sports and had a fond interest in weightlifting at a young age. At the age of 15, I suffered a serious knee injury, leading me to develop osteoarthritis in both knees. I was told that I would never be able to truly workout the way I wanted with my lower extremities. This motivated me to prove them wrong and I spent the next several years figuring out methods to help strengthen my knee joints and mitigate any discomfort or pain that I had experienced. Today, I compete in powerlifting and have dedicated my time to help others accomplish their goals and build a strong foundation in fitness that'll help carry on through their lives.

For many it's nerve-racking going to the gym for the first time or picking up a weight that you have never used. The squat rack is very intimidating when you do not know how to work with it. It's my goal to help conquer those fears and educate on proper lifting technique. I want everyone who works with me comfortable and excited to step in to the weight room, ready to hit that next Personal Record! 

Associate in Arts with emphasis in Exercise Science from Lincoln Land Community College

Certified Personal Trainer through NASM, CPR certified, NASM virtual coaching specialist

Form correction, Introduction to weightlifting, weight loss, injury prevention

Hometown: Springfield, IL

Location: Lincoln Park Athletic Club

Email: tbottorff@chicagoathleticclubs.com