Our Team | Chicago Athletic Clubs

Grant Kuchan

Written by sasha@chicagoathleticclubs.com | Aug 15, 2019 2:06:43 PM


Have you ever noticed how kids run, jump, and tumble through parks all across the city, but as soon as they get home they are told to not run in the house, jump off the furniture, or throw things? Guess what? Now that you’re a grown up, you get to do that! I think that is pretty cool. My only problem is that it’s called a, “workout”. But, when you were using a wiffle ball bat as a light saber and you nearly knocked over a lamp some adult screamed, “what do you think this is, a playground?” This is where I come in, as a trainer I want to demystify the gym, find the right exercises for you, and have some fun. And as we’re running inside, jumping off the furniture, and throwing things at LSAC, you can respond to that inner voice by saying, “Why, yes this is a playground. Thank you for asking.” I’m Grant. I’m a novelist, certified geek, sometimes musician, and a gym nerd. And I’m here to help.

Boston University BFA - Theatre

NASM - PT, NASM - Behavior Change Specialist, High Intensity Kettlebell, NASM - MMA Conditioning Specialist, and NASM - Corrective Exercise Specialist

Behavior Change, Walking, Alexander Technique, Kettlebell, Functional Movement, Movement Efficiency, Weight Lifting

Elite Trainer

Location: Lincoln Square